Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pumpkin Pie and Eggnog

 Check out this blog: 
I made the pumpkin pie and now I officially can eat pumpkin pie without gagging. It's was so yummy and incredibly easy! You stick everything in the blender and then pour it into the pie shell which you've lovingly made from scratch with your own bare hands while singing songs with your beautiful three children who are dancing with ribbons and musical instruments, that seemed like a good idea at the time because you want them to have music in this time where the arts are cut from education, through your kitchen because everyone, all five of you really need to be in the same room in your 1,200 square foot house at ALL times including now which is 6AM in the morning which is supposed to me MOMMY ONLY TIME- just kidding. Mommy Only time is 5-6am :+) 
Better go turn on the heater and pour some more coffee in my mug and get goin! 
My Glorious COFFEE- We use Costco beans. It's the cream I'm talking about here. If you live in Los Angeles and can find Broguiere's eggnog in a glass bottle, it's worth every cent- add a little to your coffee in the morning; gently warm in the microwave at half power and you've got a delectable treat to start your day. After my rant, you're thinking that I'm putting some NOG in my eggnog, huh? I guess you can add alcohol to it, but why ruin a good thing? This is exceptional, homemade eggnog, not the stuff you're used to from the carton. You can see the dairy and how it's made on California's Gold with Huell Howser here:
You know it's got to be good if I'm spending $6 on a bottle. I've made it homemade and it's worth every penny, plus it's pasteurized, mine wasn't...nobody got sick! The recipe involves egg whites and folding them into a mixture which kind of stops me right there. A few of my friends and I were searching the South Bay last year for the last bottle and no luck! We're making sure we have a stash this year.

Just in case you feel a field trip coming on, the dairy is easy to miss. The sign says Montebello Sanitary Dairy not Brouguiere's. No, the cows aren't there.

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