1. Choose an all cotton t-shirt that has been washed and dried without any fabric softener.
2. Place a marble behind both thicknesses of the fabric and wrap a rubberband around it tightly.
3. Prepare your dye bath following the directions on the box of RIT. You will need salt, water, a container to hold lots of hot water, plastic gloves and a stick to move the dye around.
4. Place the t-shirt in the dye bath. Set timer for 30 minutes. Move t-shirt around periodically so it is submerged.
5. When timer goes off, ring shirt out and rinse in warm water in the sink. Eventually, you can turn the water to cool and then cold until the water runs clear.
6. Wash the t-shirt by itself on warm with soap in the washing machine.
7. Dry in the dryer by itself.